Northeast Indiana Special Education Cooperative

Our Priorities...
​One of our highest priorities at NEISEC is providing our staff with high-quality professional development opportunities. From on-site/off-site training to webinars, we encourage our staff to enrich their knowledge and skills to meet the needs of our students better.
​Our support staff here at the NEISEC office is immeasurably committed to assisting our teachers, staff, and administrators. They are invaluable in maintaining the required documentation to meet IDOE compliance. They are the strong foundation we can stand on to obtain our level of excellence!
​It truly takes a village in Special Education and I am proud to say our village is top-notch! Thank you to our teachers, school psychologists, itinerant personnel, transportation, administrators, county directors, and school staff for your hard work and commitment to our exceptional students!
Let's have a great school year!
Best Regards, ​​
NEISEC Administrative Team