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Employment Opportunities

Available Certified Positions

Position: Special Education Teacher- Community Preschool Transition Teacher


Job Description:

Serve as a teacher of record for 3 to 5-year-olds with special needs related to Developmental Delays who attend community preschools. Provide consultation services to general education preschool teachers through offering behavioral supports, modeling teaching methods, providing information/instruction in disability awareness and research relevant to individual student needs, making materials,...etc.

  • Collect data to monitor and report on student progress. 

  • Monitor goals and all aspects of IEPs, updating when needed and maintaining compliance with timelines and services. 

  • Act as liaison between student families and general education staff to share information regarding methods and strategies that are being used and are successful in order to promote consistency and generalization of skills for students. 

  • Collect data and evidence to report on state kindergarten readiness ISPROUT assessment. 

  • Work with Indiana First Steps and parents through the process of transitioning children from birth to 3 services to school-based 3 to 5-year-old services.

  • Meet with parents who have concerns over their child’s development to initiate the intake process and explain the assessment process, eligibility area, timeline, and range of services offered.

  • Maintain open, positive communication with parents throughout the assessment process as the one doing intakes is often the first point of contact and the first impression a parent has with the schools.

  • Serve on multidisciplinary teams to assess and report on the present levels and needs of preschool-aged children in order to determine eligibility for services as well as offer recommendations for appropriate proposed goals and services. 

  • Keep open contact with community preschools, the curriculums followed, ages served, entry requirements, and available openings to make placements for students who qualify throughout the school year.

  • Secure placement and transportation for students who qualify for services prior to conferences and ensure that general education staff is notified and included when the conference takes place.  



Location: Various Locations within DeKalb, Noble, Steuben, and LaGrange


Beginning Date: January 2022


Deadline for Filing  Application: Open-Ended


Application Instructions:

Interested applicants send resumes to Wendy Lane-Ginder, Executive Director, and complete an online application.


Documents Required: Resume, application, current license


License Required:

Indiana Teaching License in the area of Mild Intervention or Intense Intervention or be able to acquire an emergency license in the area.


Contact Information:

Wendy Lane-Ginder

Executive Director for Northeast Indiana Special Education Cooperative

1607 E. Dowling Street

Kendallville, Indiana 46755 







1607  Dowling St. Kendallville, IN 46755

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